Unveiling FastConnect: Features and Advantages in the Cloud

    Jeanette Lee
    ·December 29, 2023
    ·5 min read
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    Overview of FastConnect

    FastConnect is a powerful feature offered by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure that significantly enhances network performance, security, and reliability. It establishes a dedicated and private connection between on-premises networks and the cloud infrastructure, bypassing the public internet. This direct connection ensures higher bandwidth and lower latency compared to traditional internet connections. With FastConnect, organizations can experience faster data transfer speeds and support bandwidth-intensive workloads more efficiently. By leveraging this feature, businesses can optimize their cloud connectivity and enjoy the benefits of enhanced network performance in a secure and reliable manner.

    Improved Network Performance

    FastConnect offers several features that contribute to improved network performance, making it a valuable asset for organizations utilizing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

    Direct Connectivity

    FastConnect enables direct and private connectivity to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, bypassing the public internet. This direct connection eliminates the need for data to traverse through multiple hops and intermediaries, resulting in reduced latency and improved network performance. By establishing a dedicated link between on-premises networks and the cloud infrastructure, FastConnect ensures faster response times and enhanced reliability for critical applications.

    High Bandwidth

    One of the key advantages of FastConnect is its ability to provide high bandwidth options, ranging from 1 Gbps to 100 Gbps. This increased bandwidth capacity allows for faster data transfer rates, enabling organizations to efficiently handle large volumes of data and support bandwidth-intensive workloads. Whether it's transferring large datasets or running resource-intensive applications in the cloud, FastConnect ensures that businesses can meet their performance requirements without compromising on network speed.

    By leveraging direct connectivity and high bandwidth capabilities offered by FastConnect, organizations can optimize their network performance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The reduced latency and increased data transfer speeds enable seamless access to cloud resources, enhancing overall productivity and user experience.

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    Enhanced Security

    FastConnect offers enhanced security features that help organizations ensure the confidentiality and integrity of their data when connecting to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

    Private Connection

    FastConnect establishes a private connection between on-premises networks and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This dedicated connection ensures that data remains within a secure and controlled environment, reducing the risk of exposure to the public internet. By bypassing the public internet, organizations can mitigate potential security threats associated with transmitting sensitive information over untrusted networks.

    Isolation and Control

    With FastConnect, organizations benefit from isolation from the public internet, reducing the potential attack surface. By establishing a direct and private connection, businesses can minimize the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches. IT professionals also have granular control over network traffic, allowing them to implement additional security measures such as firewalls, access controls, and encryption protocols. This level of control empowers organizations to enforce their security policies effectively and protect their critical assets in the cloud.

    By leveraging FastConnect's private connection and isolation capabilities, organizations can enhance their overall security posture when connecting to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The reduced exposure to external threats and increased control over network traffic enable businesses to confidently utilize cloud resources while maintaining data privacy and integrity.

    Improved Reliability

    FastConnect offers enhanced reliability features that ensure organizations can maintain a stable and consistent network connection to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

    Redundancy and Resilience

    FastConnect provides redundant connections to ensure high availability and fault tolerance. By establishing multiple physical connections, organizations can mitigate the risk of service disruptions caused by network failures or maintenance activities. In the event of a failure on one connection, traffic can be automatically rerouted to the redundant connection, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity. This redundancy feature helps businesses maintain continuous access to their cloud resources, reducing downtime and minimizing the impact on critical operations.

    Predictable Performance

    One of the key advantages of FastConnect is its ability to provide consistent and predictable network performance. This reliability is particularly beneficial for latency-sensitive applications and real-time data processing. With FastConnect, organizations can achieve low-latency connections that enable near-instantaneous data transfer between on-premises networks and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The predictable performance ensures that businesses can meet their performance requirements consistently, enabling them to deliver seamless user experiences and support time-sensitive workloads.

    By leveraging FastConnect's redundancy and resilience capabilities, organizations can enhance their overall network reliability in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The automatic rerouting of traffic during failures minimizes disruptions, while the predictable performance enables businesses to optimize their application performance and meet stringent service level agreements (SLAs).


    FastConnect in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers IT professionals the opportunity to optimize their cloud connectivity and achieve superior network performance, enhanced security, and improved reliability. By establishing a dedicated and private connection between on-premises networks and the cloud, organizations can ensure a secure and reliable link for their critical workloads. FastConnect's direct connectivity, high bandwidth options, private connection, isolation capabilities, redundancy and resilience features, as well as predictable performance, make it an invaluable tool for businesses seeking to leverage the full potential of the cloud. With FastConnect, organizations can confidently embrace the benefits of cloud computing while maintaining control over their network infrastructure.

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